Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine Cream

“Transforms the complexion in 2 weeks” That one little claim was reason enough for me to decide to give this a go (cos I'm a total sucker) I don't really like spending so much on one teensy tiny jar of gloop but if it's gonna make a genuine difference to my skin then I'd probably pay 3 times as much and just live on beans and toast :)
I'd heard nothing but good things about this cream and it seems to have become a real cult classic which made me all the more keen to try it. I wasn't too keen on the packaging but that's mostly cos I think jars are pretty unhygienic compared with tubes or pump bottles. The smell is a tad overpowering for me - I'm quite happy to use scented products but I prefer the smell to be subtle and I reckon this is the face cream equivalent of walking into the perfume section of Boots a week before Christmas

But onto some good points! The texture is absolutely lovely, it feels really creamy but in a smooth delicate way as opposed to thick and buttery. And thanks to the texture this is absorbed into the skin in seconds with practically no rubbing required… Always a bonus if you're using this as a day cream as there's nothing more annoying that standing around waiting for your moisturiser to be absorbed before applying makeup. Although if you are using this as a day cream the lack of SPF could be a concern

As for the actual results, unfortunately there was nothing to write home about. My skin has had a few dry patches recently (around my nose and eye brows) and this didn't do anything to alleviate the dryness so I ended up applying Eucerin to the worst areas. Also I have little red dots on my chin (scar tissue from long-conquered spots) and the redness seemed to become more prominent when I used this cream. The rest of my face didn't look any more smooth or feel any more firm than before I started using this
I don’t think this is a particularly bad moisturiser but I think there are much better ones available for a fraction of the price.
Summary :Cost - £76.60Size - 50ml
Designed for - Anti-ageing
Will I repurchase? - Nope, no chance
WHat a bummer having spent all that money for an average product. I'm sure it works for some people, but that's the thing, what is suiting you might not suit other people the same...
OMG! that's a lot of money to find out it doesn't work for you!
My weakness is Clinique; do you find that any good? Prior to that I used Vichy and before that Oil of Ulay, before they faffed around with the name etc.
I tend to only buy Clinique at Bonus Time and have quite a collection of their Dramatically Different Moisturiser now! I really like the Gel version of that now I'm older!
Z xx
This is one of my favourite moisturisers, having said that I did use it in conjunction with the night cream and did notice a difference. I love the scent too.
I tried this moisturiser a year ago and it totally ruined my skin. I have sensitive skin and this was just too perfumed and irritated my skin so badly.
I swapped it with another blogger who wanted to try it and it broke her skin out terribly!
I was so so dissapointed with it, I think it is really overhyped and overpriced! xx
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