It got me thinking that I should do a little review on it because it's a foundation I've used on n off for about five and a half years It was actually the first high end foundation I ever bought and I fell in love with it pretty much immediately. I'd called into Boots and the sales assistant at the Estee Lauder counter gave me makeover. I was so impressed that I bought the the foundation, concealer, lip gloss and makeup remover… Unfortunately I could never quite recreate the gorgeously flawless look she managed but I still adore the products!
Me wearing Double wear today without concealer, powder or bronzer. Oh and I'm also wearing my new Accessorize eyeshadows which I really really like! :)

The first thing I noticed about Double Wear is that is goes on like paint. And not just any paint but one of those high quality one-coat-covers-everything paints that are totally goof proof. A teensy amount goes a very long way so my one and only complaint about this products is the bottle - it’s a regular glass bottle with a screw top lid which means you have to pour out the required amount of foundation. I can't even tell you how many times I've accidentally poured out too much and I hate wasting anything so find this really annoying!
I'd describe this as full coverage cos I can generally get away with using this over my entire face without bothering with concealer (yay!!) The finish is an almost powdery matte look but not that horrid unnatural "matte mask" that some foundations give. The application is easy but a little word of warning! - This sets quite quickly so if you like to spend a while slowly blending your foundation in different areas then I reckon you'd be best applying this in small sections to ensure it doesn't dry patchily
Talking of dry… When my skin has gone through dry phases in the past I've generally avoided this foundation as the thick texture and matte finish have a tendency to cling to flaky, dry areas. But of course the flip side of that means that if your skin is particularly oily this is totally fantastic for ensuring that you stay shine-free all day
At the minute I have this in 3 different shades (pale almond, ecru and fresco) which is pretty incredible in itself cos I generally find it extremely difficult to find foundations light enough to match my skin tone so the fact that I've been able to use 3 is awesome :)
As you can probably tell I rate this foundation really highly and would definitely recommend it for anyone who wants full long lasting coverage ♥
I love this too! But as you said, not for super dry skin days!
good that you like this foundation (: love how you've got the courage to put full face shots of you on the blog now!
love it!
In Palace ♥
i noticed lots of people are raving about this too! I'll try it after finishing my 12353 bottles of foundations haha!
When I first tried Double Wear I didn't really like it much at all, and I was wondering what everyone was banging on about. I shoved it in a drawer for a few months and forgot about it. But I've hauled it out again recently and I'm quite liking it. I think it's all about the base - I find it can be very drying and make my face feel tight if I don't have a good moisturiser or moisturising primer on underneath.
I'm not sure it will ever replace my HG Mat Lumiere, but I'm coming around to it. :-)
Nice post hun, I still need to try this out, I'm still loving my MAC F&B and Chanel Pro Lumiere at the minute, fancy a change though x
This is my ultimate foundation. I love that nothing else is needed when I wear it, with regards to base or concealer. I also use Pale Almond but previously I have bought Fresco too :-)
This id gorgeous, Joy! I totally LOVE EL's Double Wear, too (albeit finding the shade i bought tad too light for my skin tone).
have this too, absolutely adore it! got a pump from the mac counter that fits perfectly i think it's called foundation pump or sth like that
looks amazing on you! =) i haven't tried this foundie before.
i love this foundation ive been suing it for so long and it never fails :) x
Looks like I’m not the only person to have fallen in love with this one! It might be a range for *ahem* more mature women but I reckon Estee Lauder definitely know their makeup
Leah it’s only taken me, ooooh, 100 years to build up the courage but I’m rather enjoying it now! :)
Dee I adore Mat Lumier (and quite a few other Chanel foundations!) so I reckon they’d easily make it into my top 5 list… I guess with my skin being as appallingly acne prone as it is I really appreciate the serious coverage Double Wear gives me ♥
Saw your comment about the screw cap and wasting a load of the foundation, I got a MAC pump for my foundation and it fit perfectly.
So i'm not wasting loads of the foundation and i'm not getting a caked on look. The pump only costs £4, from either the MAC website or Debenhams.
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