Sunday again :( Hope you had a fantastic weekend! Mine was too good, it's made me not wanna start a new week!
Anywho, I've been a big fan of the Bourjois range for a number of years now (oh how old that makes me feel!) so just wanted to mention a few of my absolute favourites and I definitely have to start with my most recent purchase; healthy mix foundation because this stuff is amazing.

As you might've noticed from my previous posts I have a slight obsession with foundation so I'm pleased to announce that this is without a doubt one of the best I've ever come across. I'd happily pay £30 for a bottle so the £10.99 price tag is such a bonus. I love the colour, texture, staying power, blendability (that is so a word :p) and the fact that it doesn't make my skin break out. I wore this on a shopping trip a couple of weeks ago and my sister said I looked airbrushed. Nuff said.

When it comes to lip gloss I like a standard wand applicator so I wasn't sure how I'd get along with this because it has one of those brush applicators but Superdrug had a 3 for 2 offer so I decided to give it a try. I now have this in 6 different shades, which should give an indication of just how impressed I was! The texture is lovely and the colours are subtle but so incredibly pretty. I've included 2 in the pic because if I'm wearing the lip gloss by itself I'll usually opt for a pale pink (13 Rose a l'eau) but I like to apply the glittery gold shade (23 beige rafraichissant) over lots of my lip sticks especially anything with pale brownish undertones

As far as liquid liners go Liner Pinceau is right up there with Revlon Colorstay and N.Y.C because the colour is a properly black black and the brush applicator is very fine so it's easy to get a precise long lasting line. I should mention that the formula is fairly watery so you definitely need a steady hand when you're applying it!

Have you ever noticed how rare it is to actually use an entire pot of eye shadow? I must've bought hundreds of eye shadows over the years and I doubt I've ever completely finished a single one, not because I wasn't keen on them you understand, but just because I get bored and like trying new things so I'm constantly replacing my existing makeup!
Which is why I'm such a fan of the mini Bourjois eye shadows; they come in loads of different shades, last ages, the texture is soft but not crumbly or chalky so you get an intense look without piling on a thick layer of powder and because they're teensy you don't feel guilty for sticking them at the back of your drawer and moving onto another colour after a few weeks. Hurrah!

Last on my list is the intensive moisturising treatment lip stick. I can't express just how much I love this product! It's so incredibly moisturising and my favourite shade (18 Blouse Blanche) is a very subtle sheer slightly glittery colour which can be worn by itself or under and over any other lip products. I like that it's nourishing but extremely pretty so it's one of those 2 birds with 1 stone items. If I was to liken this to another product it would have to be AVONs Anew beauty lip plumping lip conditioner only I think the Bourjois one is more moisturising and looks prettier on :)
Goodnight for now, hope you have a lovely week!
I love Bourjois, the Khol & Contour pencil liner is my absoloute fave product. It's the only eyeliner that goes on my waterline! I almost got that foundation yesterday x
Ooh I really like the look of that moisturising treatment! I haven't used bourjois in ages but I used to love their mascaras!
The treatment lipstick seems lush. Me likey! ♥
Those mini shadows looks cool!
Have you tried the lip gloss (or is it lisptick) that is pink I think but turns a different color depending on your lips ( I guess the temperature etc) so basically the final color will be different for everyone...I saw them and was intrigued but haven't tried yet...
ooh wow,I want to try something of this brand!!
These look so neat! I wish there was a decent selection from this line in the US.
Wow...the price for the foundation is really a steal! I'm gonna check this brand out..thanks for sharing..
oh, god you just made me decide to go and try those eyeshadows asap! love! :X
I love the products, deff want to try them out! More to add to my wishlist :)
i love that nude lipstick, well informed post :)
hey, I'e never tried bourjois before, but after seeing these products think I will have to give them a go, especially the foundation and lip balm, its so hard to find a decent foundation xxxx
I've heard and read loads of good things about the foundation, so pleased for you that your search for foundation is over! I couldn't believe how many you had from your previous post! ;p
Thank you for this! I would love to try the foundation.
Hey great products...Love those mini shadows!!!
thnx for this post..i loved the lip gloss and the lip moisturising stick..
wow, i love bourjois products too! I tried their sample of healthy mix foundation. I might get that after my revlon photo ready foundation finishes ^_^
I've heard rave reviews for healthy mix foundation and i got one too ! but i have yet to try it (i know!!) lol there're too many things i need to finish up before opening...i'm tempted to try their lipstick after reading your review <3!
The lip treatment looks awesome, never saw it on the shelf here in Portugal though \:
Did you ever tried their khol eyeliners? They are a must!
Thanks for your lovely comment.
I love the shades of the eye shadows, especially the green one.
Wow, i love everything you got! I just recently tried this product by purchasing some of their nail polishes & i already love it! BTW, thanks for stopping by & commenting on my blog. I'm following. xo
I've only ever bought one blusher from bourjois, I dont know why I've never got more because I love it. i did look at that foundation but im ridiculously pale and none were light enough for me :(
Great reviews!
great blog.
love finding new beauty-related bloggers :) see what products are a must and reviews.
i like that you have an array of products that you buy and share/review
tehe thanks knitting is easy once u pick it up ^^ i love bonjous i need to use it >.< everyone that has raidiant skin use it and i want radiant skin XD
tehe im worrying about xmas pressies now aswell XD
I have never heard of bourjois products, I will have to look into it. Mac face and body is my absolute favorite foundation! I discovered it this summer and I am officially hooked!
I have the foundation too, and I love it! :)
I really want to try Healthy Mix as it looks like such a good foundation!
I'm so terrible with liquid eyeliner. I definitely need more practice! And the moisturizing lip stick is something I've never heard of. Maybe I'll give it a try!
Thanks so much for the nice comments on my blog!
Hi Joy, Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog!.
I like Bourjois products.I used to buy Bourjois makeup when I was living in Netherlands years ago.
Nice to meet a fellow bargain hunter;)
I've seen the little eyeshadows on lovemakeup.co.uk they were pretty cheap too. I'm pretty interested to try them out now! :) xx
Great post! I haven't used anything from the Bourjois range for a long time although I used to love the Effet 3D lip glosses. I really like the sound of the last lip treatment, sounds fabby x
Wow - now I want all of these hee hee- you enabler :p
the glosses & lippy & foundation must be mine :-D
wow i have all except the lipstick!!
great post!
Thanks for the recs! Thinking of getting all of them now, especially the foundation and the lipstick xD
Evening all, thanks for commenting! I love hearing what everyone else thinks of brands I use but I cant believe there are so many people who havent got the chance to try Bourjois!! I dunno what I'd do without their stuff now :)
Red I've heard loads of good things about the Rose Exclusif lipgloss but havent got round to trying it yet. The idea really appeals to me so I might pick it up during the week!
Marisa I adore the kohl liners! I love how they're seriously dark and actually last all day without smudging so it was a toss up between those and the liquid liner :)
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