I’ve been using my body brushes religiously – currently have a few different ones cos I like one with quite stiff bristles for my thighs, knees and elbows (from Liz Earle) and a softer one (from Boots) for everywhere else. Not too sure if they’re making a big different to how my body looks but it certainly feels better :)
Sticking to my nightly routine of applying my anti-cellulite gel has actually been fairly easy except on nights like this where I didn’t get home till 12.40am and really couldn’t be bothered… But I figure it only takes a few minutes and hopefullythe end result will be worth it! I'll do a full review once I've decided whether or not it works
I've tried a couple cellulite gels, but I've never seen that one before! I'd love to see a review!
keep it up! it's so hard to resist junk food! i've been going to the gym, but i did cheat on my diet a couple times last week.. oops :/
regarding junk food, i just bought some yesterday and man i'd feel so guilty when i eat them :(
hahaha, I am sure that you will be strong tomorrow, so dont worry, we always have a temptation.hugs from Colombia and forgive my bad english
I like the look of the cellulite cream! Please do a review, keep up the good work. I had a cheeky KFC at the weekend, felt so guilty later on though! x
Dont even mention ice cream,I am on a healthy diet (oh well at least trying) and I am craving sweets All the time:)Have you try Nivea's Goodbuy Cellulite gel,its my favorite,if you use it on a daily basis it really improve how your body looks like.
Body brushes are great for evening out the skin tone ;)
i know how you feel, it's so hard to resist temptation. but good luck and keep it up!
Anna Elizabeth – will do! Keeping my fingers crossed that it actually does what it says on the bottle :)
Mimi I had my eye on the Nivea one but there are sooo many cellulite cream and gels to choose from I just went with the one I’d heard of before! If this doesn’t work I’m gonna pick up the Nivea one though
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