I kinda fell off the (shopping ban) wagon yesterday and I blame it on the Lancome GWP offer… I love quite a few of the Lancome foundations and I’ve been wanting to try the Teint Miracle for ages so figured I may as well treat myself. The sales assistant probably recognised me cos I’d been in to have a nosy at the foundation on more than one occasion *coughabouttencough*
So I picked up the Teint Miracles foundation (shade 01) and the Hypnose mascara in black...

...and got these lovely goodies free... WOO!!
I'm loving these Revlon lippies and seem to pick up another one every time I wander near the counter! My most recent purchase is the rather gorgeous Blush (number 35)
Last but not least is this awesome Collection 2000 shimmer and shade compact in Just Peachy. This is my second one of these and I absolutely love it for adding a nice little highlight to my cheeks :)
New reader here!
Woo! That's a lot of free stuff. :D I say...good deal and a good break from the shopping ban. hehe
Revlon! I need to try one of those...^^
I love those Revlon lipsticks as well! They are on sale right now so I plan on buying a lot of shades :)
Ooh the lancome gift is lovely isn't it? Could you please do a review on the mascara? I was thinking of trying it! Thank you x
I am a Revlon lipstick fan! Lancome gift looks good x x x
I bought the same foundation recently and loved it. You got so much free stuff! Way more than what I got. So lucky.
I actually included Revlon's blush lipstick in my favorites for this month! I love it!
I can not believe the freebies you got...wow!
ooooh! That is exactly the lancome products I want! But I can't afford to splurge right now.. :'( xxx
I love that foundation! I dont think I will buy another and the freebies! WOW! I may just take a peek at Lancome Counter...hehehe
That foundation is fabulous! It's one of my favorites! And the freebies you got, wow! So many! Enjoy your goodies!
Andrée xx
Wow! You got loads of free stuff! Let us know what you think of Hypnose! I'm dying to try it! xx
I have the lancome teint miracle and love it - its maybe the best foundation I've ever had! Hope you enjoy :)
Lucky You! :) I love Lancome, Miracle especially. :)
wowww lovely haul. Me too interested in buying the tient foundation. Is it good for oily skin?
Haha we seem to have the same taste,i also got that deal on the Lancome, i bought a lipgloss and a lipstick. I want the mascara you got and I have one of the revlon lipsticks too :)
I posted about my lancome goodies if you'd like to take a little looksie :)
That's a really nice GWP - so many freebies! I really want to try Teint Miracle after reading someone else's review on it :)
Tiffyama – Just wanted to say hi and thanks for taking the time to comment! If you happen to stumble across the Revlon lipsticks when you’re out shopping I definitely recommend treating yourself to one (or six!)
KawaiiFreakxXx I certainly will. Too be honest I’m really not liking it so far but hopefully it’ll improve with the next few uses!
Synnovea I’ve only tried it a few times so far but will definitely do a review when I’ve tried it out some more! So far I love it and it’s holding up against my oily nose and forehead quite well which is always good :)
BeautybyPaula great minds think alike, eh? I’m actually thinking of picking up a couple of glosses just so I can get another free gift cos I love all the goodies in it ♥
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