But I like to think I’m pretty open minded so when I spotted these little Playboy lipglosses I figured they’d be worth a try
As you can probably guess I really wasn’t expecting much from them but I fell in love the minute I opened the first one… The smell is absolutely sensational! It’s really familiar and reminds me of when I was a kid but I can’t quite place it. Got my sister to have a sniff of them too and she recognised the scent but, like me, couldn’t place it. She loved it so much I gave her the clear gloss I’d picked up with this lot
Other than the extremely tacky packaging I can’t fault these! The colours are lovely on and although they look very similar in the pic there is a definite variation in the shades. They come with a hint of shimmer but the glitter particles are teensy so you just get a gorgeous hint of glitter in the light but it doesn’t look tacky (there’s that word again)
None of my glosses last a particularly long time – thanks to my constant water drinking as opposed to the products – so I’ve generally reapplied these every couple of hours to ensure they look neat n fresh
If you happen to stumble across these on any future shopping trips I definitely recommend swatching - and smelling - them to see what you think. I reckon you’ll be pleasantly surprised! ♥
i think playboy is tacky aswell
i love the playboy perfume but the packaging just looks awful lol love this post xx
Hee hee OK so they are a bit tacky, but a bit sweet too! Where did you find them?
The colours look amazing! I totally agree about Playboy being tacky, that is the only word to use!
Ha, I would never in a million years have picked up a Playboy product. Now you've got me curious...
Meh the Playboy Bunny is not my liking but I do love these glosses I have a mint kissing gloss. It's so yummy!
LOL! Playboy lipgloss! I am just lol'ing imagining whipping one of these tubes out at my work! Glad to hear that the gloss is nice though!
I so want them!! Where did you find them? I am the biggest girls next door fan and love the playboy empire. Please let me know where I could get some...lol
I think that what Hugh Hefner did was pretty amazing - but, I agree that the products look so tacky! You're right, there's no other word for it! I'd love to see the swatches, some of the colours look nearly the same.
Kisses, Melanie
Haha, me too. I have seen these around but just couldn't bring my self to buy them. hmmm...
I have never even heard of these! Almost a collectors item I'd say :)
so, at first i thought you meant tacky as in sticky! haha.. i agree, though, playboy is tacky. i didn't even know they had lipgloss! btw, do they smell like barbie perfume? i swear, sometimes i smell something and it reminds me of my childhood then i realize it smells like barbie perfume (which i don't think is sold anymore..)!
I agree just a little tacky, but that middle colour looks amazing! x
I dind't know that they also had make up...but they sound great! I don't like tacky kipglosses, but we can give them a try, can't we? :)
Playboy? Why not Playgirl Lip Gloss? :P
Hehe who cares if theyre tacky if theyre a good product! It's like cheesey celeb perfumes....if you like the scent then go for it! x
Omg I bought a set of these for my sister in law at xmas, went back for them for myself and they was sold out so I never got to see what they was like. I love that your saying you like them, will have to keep my eye out for more :) :) xx
wow!!! great blog! just followed you!
hope you can also follow mine!
I got a set of these as a birthday gift from a friend ( I got all the ones you have and a clear one with nude shimmer )! The pigmentation in these are amazing! I think the smell is amazing and I came to the conclusion that it smells like rainbow dust ( the long sherbet things you can get from sweet shops ) So glad to find a post about them :) Great blog! xx
I know what you mean about tacky. But sometimes tacky is cute! I secretly like the packaging!
Wow, I figured these were available everywhere! I got them from B&M bargains… I think it was only about a fiver for the lot but can’t remember exactly :/
Kaitlyn I’ve never even heard of Barbie perfume! My kid sis reckons they smell like those little pink and blue milk bottle sweeties (not sure if anyone else has tried them?!) but I’m not convinced
Justine I think you could be right! I know they definitely smell like some sort of sweets I liked as a kid but haven’t had rainbow dust in so long I can’t quite remember the smell. Might be time to head to my corner shop n pick up some sweets… simply for smelling comparisons you understand :)
can i keep it if its tacky photographyshot@gmail.com
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