I definitely have a love/hate relationship with long wearing lip colours. On one hand I think the staying power is beyond awesome and totally love knowing it’ll still be there after I’ve munched my way through a 3 course meal. On the other hand they feel horrible. Of course we’re talking about the proper-two-coat-lasts-eight-hours-or-more kinda lip colours in this case, as opposed to those regular glosses that claim to last 6 hours. Two words spring to mind when I think of those. Aye right.

I imagine you’ll all have tried these kinda products at least once or twice cos the whole idea is so appealing. Apply your lipstick in the morning and then don’t worry about touching up till tea time. What’s not to love!? For me it’s the texture. I absolutely hate the way the first coat dries like a surprisingly thick layer of emulsion paint (not something I’ve actually experienced but I bet they aren’t too dissimilar!) that leaves my lips all uncomfortable and dry. I know that’s the whole reason they supply a nice glossy top coat but then I can’t help thinking; if I’m gonna have to constantly reapply the top coat to keep my lips moist surely I’d be best just using a regular lipstick? Dilemmas dilemmas :)
One of my current favourite shades - Wear It Well Anywho I’ve tried about, hmmm, a million of these things and my favourites are definitely the Infinite Colour 10 Hour Lip Colour & Gloss by Rimmel. I fell in love with a shade called
All Night Party and have picked up half a dozen or so since then. They cause all the same problems for me as the others I’ve tried but to a lesser degree. The first coat isn’t as thick or uncomfortable and the gloss is rather sleek and smooth so feels quite nice once it’s applied. But the best thing has to be the shades available – they go from ridiculously bright pink to the most beautifully subtle barely there nude with everything inbetween

For day to day wear I stay clear of these kinda lip colours but if I know I’m gonna be heading out for the day with little chance to reapply my makeup then they can be a lifesaver ♥
These look nicer Joy! I feel the same about long wearing lipsticks. Love the wear, but you do have to keep applying gloss to combat that dryness
These look quite interesting!
I can tell you've used the clear side, note the other lipstick on the white doe-foot applicator.
love the colors, i am tempted to buy one too even though i have already too many lipglosses, i should rather buy matte lipstick
thanks for sharing
Great review! I always think these look nice and sound great, but I can't stand the feeling of them on my lips. xxx
Where can you buy this? I was in a big Superdrug and a big Boots today and didn't find these in either. :(
Leah I can’t believe you noticed that! It’s one thing that really gets on my nerves and is actually why I hate using applicators from clear glosses to apply the gloss over a lipstick!
Anitacska I got them from Gordons (a bit like Superdrug) but don’t know if they’re everywhere or just here in Northern Ireland. Will keep an eye out and let you know if I spot them in any other shops though :)
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