I glanced at my own hands which are way less than perfect and figured I should start looking after them a bit better! It wasn't just the scraggly cuticles and dry skin but also my nails; they were particularly short and higgledy piggledy cos I hadn’t bothered filing them in about…ooooh, a century? And there was also a shocking amount of soil under them as I'd been re-potting my pepper plants and was on my way to get more seeds (yep, it would seem I've turned into a pensioner overnight)

One of my favourite new discoveries is this top coat by Maybelline. I generally find that my nail polish chips after a day or 2 but the pics are of my nails 6 days after I painted them… I’m well impressed by how long it's lasted ♥
Oh! I will have to try this one Joy! I just ran out of topcoat yesterday!
Haven't tried any maybelline nail polish. would check this out. thanks for sharing :D
It's amazing of it prolongs the polish that long!
wow this is after 6 days, it looks like you just did them! I got so excited when you said 'higgledy piggledy', i've been saying this all week! I thought I was the only one, haha(yes i know i'm sad and easily amused) :D
Pammy (PammyBlogsBeauty) I'm well impressed with this one, though thats probably not gonna stop trying dozens of others!
Pretty Wonderful considering how messy my nails usually look after a couple of days this is a bit of a miracle! And higgledy piggledy is an awesome phrase, I manage to use it at least a couple of times a day! ♥
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