So you know how I was saying I want to give away all my unwanted makeup? And how I also want to do more for charity? (one of my resolutions) Well the two kinda come together here!
I’m gonna list and number a selection of stuff below. It’s (mostly) used makeup that I no longer want and I’d like it to go to a good home so if you see anything that tickles your fancy just leave the number of the item(s) you’d like in a comment along with your email address
I can’t imagine there’ll be many requests for this as it’s not like an actual giveaway or anything so if more than 1 person wants an item I’ll just draw the names out of a hat on the 8th of Jan. The reason this is a “good deed” on my part is because the money I’d normally spend on all my fantastically pretty cosmetics will be paying the postage for all you lovely people to receive these items – this is international so anyone can leave a comment :)
You’ll notice I’ve added a donate button on the right side of my blog… When I suggested giving stuff away a lot of you recommended a blog sale but I figured this way you could donate a few pennies if you’re feeling particularly generous, even the smallest amount would be appreciated – but of course it’s absolutely, positively, definitely not obligatory even if you request loads of the items below!
Any donations will be going to the
Dogs Trust.
I’m gonna be giving loads of stuff away over the coming months (might throw in a blog sale or 2 as well) so if you don’t see anything you like below feel free to stop by in future for a nosy ♥
1. Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation SPF 15 in Warm Ivory. Wasted £28 on this as I’ve only used it once. Hate the colour so I bought it in the next shade up and totally love it. My skin is extremely pale so if you aren’t sure of the shade have a look at the Bobbi Brown website!
2. Max Factor Beyond Length mascara in Burnished Brown. This is still sealed (with the little sticker thingy in place) N07 lipglosses – I’ve swatched these but they’re given away as GWP items so I have a couple of each shade already
3. Benefit Bad Gal eye pencil in black. Never used. The girl at the Benefit counter talked me into spending £14 on this even though I can’t stand chunky eye pencils (this is at least twice as thick as a regular eye pencil) but I know some people adore this so I'm sure someone will get some use out of it!
4. Clinique Even better foundation SPF 15 in Alabaster. Used this twice. Cant stand Clinique foundations so I really should stop buying them :/
5. Bourjois Healthy Mix concealer in shade 52/medium (used once) and NYC concealer foundation stick in creamy beige (never used) I just know I’m not gonna use these…
6. Estee Lauder blush/bronzer trio. I've used the middle blush a few times and swatched the others. The colours look hideous on me, shame really cos it's actually quite a cute palette :(
7. Stila eyeshadow quad in Marrakesh. Swatched the colours once and I have about 20 single eyeshadows that are pretty much the same so I’m never gonna bother using this
8. MUA blush in shade 2 (swatched once) lip gloss in shade 1 (never used) and mascara in shade 4 (never used) Would you judge me if I said I own so much of the MUA stuff that I bought these not realising I already own them?
9. These were all GWP items that I wont use. Lancome cleansing fluid for face and eyes 125mls (unopened) Clinique Superdefense SPF 25 (opened, sniffed, closed again. Ick, so not my thing!) Lancome Hydra Zen Neurocalm 15ml (tried on the back of my hand once) Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturising Lotion 30ml (Never opened. I tried this in the past and think it’s rubbish)
10. Urban Decay Lipsticks in Voodoo and Trainwreck. Swatched once. I already own (and utterly adore) these but mine went walkies so I bought the two pictured. Found mine in my gym bag the next day. Doh! £25 well spent, eh?
If you aren't too sure of the shades or whatever feel free to check the official websites or send me an email. I shall do my best to answer any queries
Joy ♥
wow!! so nice!!
num 7
Thankyou xox
i'd love to get number 6 and 7. my e-mail is theodora_1989[at]hotmail[dot]com thanks for the opportunity.
This is such a lovely idea! I dont want to be greedy picking two but i would love number 2 and number 3!
My email is harriet-brown@live.co.uk
Thanks hun xxx
I'd love to get:
Bourjois Healthy Mix concealer
and/ or
Estee Lauder blush/bronzer trio
Thank youu :X
my e-mail is plohonuke@yahoo.com :P
What a great idea and how generous - I've been dying to try the Even Better foundation and Alabaster is my colour in Clinque foundations, so I'd love to give it a try! (Number 4).
Thanks!! Kat x
Id love #1 and 10!! :-) Im international s well but would pay for shipping!! ♥
oh, damn, i've just seen we were supposed to write numbers.
No 5
No 6
Don't want to spam or something, so please feel free to erase the first and second comments (sorrryyy)
this is incredibly generous of you =)
i'd like to try number 3 & 7 =)
thank you !
I think it's great you're doing this. I would really love to try out the following:
1. Bobbi Brown Foundation
7. Stila Eyeshadow Quad
8. MUA products
Thanks for the opportunity!
-Heidi (heidiathome1@gmail.com)
Uau! Such an awesome giveaway!
I follow your blog via GFC as мαяѕy'ѕ ηαιℓѕ ♔ (Marsídia Melo).
And my e-mail address is: marcidiamelo(at)hotmail[dot]com
I’m interested in:
1. Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation
5. Bourjois Healthy Mix & Concealer & NYC concealer
9. Lancome cleansing fluid & Clinique Superdefense & Lancome Hydra Zen Neurocalm & Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturising Lotion
Thank you and Kisses <3
Have a wonderful 2011!
Awesome giveaway :) For me I'll leave my shame and choose: 1, 4, and 9 (I'm not quite sure if you are giving away the whole lot or what, anyhow, I'm into the Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturising Lotion)
My e-mail is: anagnorisis_tragica@hotmail.com
Greets ^^
Also, Id love to donate - but i will have to wait until payday it seems like a great cause and I love animals! :) We have two amazing poochies of our own! ♥
Aww... really thanks <3
I supose we can enter in as many as we want, right? I'm not lucky, so I'll join in...
#1 #3 #5 #6 #7 #10
I know I won't win... nothing x)
My email is sagavica(@)hotmail.es
TY again :D
I would love to have #9 please!
I've been using Clinique's Dramatically Different Moisturizing lotion for two years now and it doesn't make me break out! I even got my mother-in-law hooked on it!
<33 Rena
do you have number 2 left? :) i love the no7 lipglosses.
i see you've had a huge response already though.
I'm probably too late :/ However, number 9 and number 10 both looks so amazingly beautiful.
I would love to be considered :)
Thank you Honey-Bee, wonderfully generous of you <3
My email address is: brittanylove@hotmail.co.uk
Love Britt xxx
Ahh I wanted number 1 and 7 but people have already asked for those!
Hope I win the draw haha :P
Thank you for this :)
oh, never even spotted them, #10 if you don't have #2 available anymore! :)
and let me know how to go about donating, etc as well!
Aww this is so nice of you! are you sure you wouldn't want any money for anything? I will deffos donate as dog's trust is very close to home! I'd love to try no.s 1,6 and 9 if I were to win hehe! thanks so much again :) becky xo
So nice of you!
I'd love no. 7 or 9
lol one woman's trash another woman's treasure(?)
Your items are good! :O
My mum and I would love to have 2,3,5,7,8,9 :D
I'd love to try the Bobbi Brown foundation or the Clinique foundation :)
This is so kind of you! x
(1 or 4)
1,4,AND 9 Please.
Would be a pleasure to donate.What a great idea!!
Oh! No. 10 , the UD lipstick! I would really like to try them :)
This is so generous of you :)
I'd love to try Numbers 3, 7, and 9!
email: ai9love26you41@gmail.com
Thanks so much♥
We check the colour of no 10, my mum would love to have them if they were not used on the lips before :)
Would love 2,3,7, or 10!
I would like the Clinique lotion!
omg u are so nice to do this i would like the clinique foundation and the estee lauder trio and ne of those urbandecay lipstikcs Thanks for do this for ur readers :D
my email is eegronzon@hotmail.com :D
So generous of you! I'd love no 4 please! karenbourgeois@gmail.com
This is a great idea, might do something like this on my blog too.
You are so nice to do this! i'd love either #6, the estee lauder compact, or #7, the stila eyeshadows. Thank you so much!
My email is: inhermakeupbag@gmail.com
Number 2 and 9 :)
chishabee at gmail dot com :)
you are so nice =D
i don't know to choose between #3 and #9 o.O
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! It's a great idea to give away unwanted makeup which others would love to try! :)
Numbers 7 and 8 for me please! :)
I'd love 7 and 10 :) I think this is such a unique way to kind of clean out your store goods of things you know you won't be using!
dancinbluegirl90 at gmail dot com
I am interested in numbers 2,3,8 and 10! never tried any of this items!
thank you, it is better give it than throw it or just let it expire
my email is msad89@gmail.com
Would love to try out
Stila eyeshadow quad in Marrakesh
MUA blush in shade 2
Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation SPF 15 in Warm Ivory
very unique way of getting rid of unwanteds.. i bet you'll be starting a new trend!
i would love to try these:
#2, #5, #6.
snow0016 at yahoo dot com
Great idea.
I would love #3 or #10
oops, email is funnyfacebeauty@gmail.com
I would love to try #9 #7 #5 #4 #3 and #1
My email is mirunika_iloveu@yahoo.com
Thanks for this generous giveaway I am interested in number 1 and 4 because (as far as i can tell from the pictures) we have the same skin color, and number 10 because i haven't got anything from UD and those lippies are just gorgeous!!
i'd love to get #7 or #10! Thanks!
This is such an Awesome Idea!! I'm Loving number 7,8 And 9 I would be happy with any of those!!
Love Stevie xxxx
interested in 1,3,4 and 9.
Thank you.
Thank you for doin this!
I'd love 3, 7, 9, & 10 but any would be fine with me :)
great idea! i'd love to try #1 , 6 or 7!
jenlovesbeauty at gmail dot com
I'd like number 1 and 10 please!
You know me well :)
its a great initiative
This is such an interesting idea!
I'd love number 1 ,number 4 and number 9.
#7. akayredz@gmail.com
#3 akayredz@gmail.com
Wow. This is really generous of you! I'll give it a go, why not! Though, I never win anything, but here's hoping...
I'd love to try out (in descending order): 10, 7, 5, 3.
Thanks for this awesome opportunity!! =]
well, if I'm lucky, I'd like to get 7..=)
What a cute idea! I thought about doing that, but I didn't figure anyone wanted my used makeup. I guess they do! :P
Um, I guess I'd like to be in the hat for #4 and #6. :)
Thanks so much!
Dear Joy,
I have awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award!
xo Leah
I want #3, #7, and #10 :)
HI there, I'd love to be entered for items 1 and 7. I am in Canada so of course I will pay shipping if necessary.
I want items 1,4,6 and 9.
I-m international but i will pay the shipping surently:*
Thank so much
Hey, this is wonderful. I would like to try no.2. It's alredy picked but maybe I get lucky because yesterday was my birthday :)
I wish you have the best year ever, be happy and enjoy every day.
Oh, yeah... and my email: alexandraciutureanu@yahoo.com
I would love to be considered for #3 and #9 :) this is adorable of you! such a great idea..if im motivated to clean out my makeup collection one day I would totally do this!!
Wow Joy that's really so generous of you to give away some of the unwanted/unused makeup in your collection AND to pay for the postage internationally. I think that's a great year to start 2011 :)
As much as I would like something here, I do have a lot of makeup myself....but i wanted to get back to you on what you wrote on my blog :) You totally reminded me of my older sister who says she always finds a way to ruin her manicure somehow LOL Have you tried any good top coats before? It really should help Hun in having them dry very quickly before they could get ruined. I really really recommend Poshe top coat if you're able to get it. And I read on nail boards that Seche Vite is a very good brand as well - Poshe and Seche Vite seem to neck and neck at who's the best top coat for manicures.
I would love to be entered for 3, 7, and 10. This is awesome!
Lovely idea! #1 please! :)
i would love number 9 to try:)
what an awesome idea to do this :)
thank u!
I'd like to try mu chance for 2,5,6,9,10 :)
i would like 6,7 or 8. or 2
raluca_morariu2000(at) yahoo (dot) com
I'd like to try 3 and 4...
Happy new year!
Wow great idea, great way of clearing out make-up I would like 1,4, 7 or 9
I'd like number 1,6 and 2!
i would love 1,2,4,5 and 8...
my id dmoupriya89@gmail.com
I would love to try 1, 5 and 9.
madda_ilade at yahoo dot com
nice way to start the new year! :)
I like the n. 7 (stila)
I would like number 8 or 9.thank you for doing this wonderful giveaway/donation.
my e-mail is ioanab_9@yahoo.com
I would like 1, 3, 6, 9 and 10.
Thanks! It's a great idea!
Wowee! Very generous of you.
I'd be interested in 2, 9 & 10 and of course would be happy to donate.
oh this is wonderful!
i'd love 1 and 6.
Many thanks!
I love number 6 =D
Thank you ^^
sorry, my email is sonia_filipa_rito@yahoo.com.br
Wow this is such a good idea. I think i will have the same type of giveaway on my blog too:).
I would looove numbers 1, 2 and 7 because i can't find them in the stores from my country :(...and of course i will pay for the shipping.
i would love to have 9 or 7 :)
Thanks for doing this! My email is me.medi@hotmail.com
i would love number 2 or 7.that would make my day.thanks.my email is madalinasiescu@yahoo.com
I love number 7 and 9. My email is nauzet.reina@gmail.com.
Thank you!!
I love #5 or #7 . Thank you for this oportunity :)
email: c.adellina@yahoo.com
Great idea I would be interested in number 7
love!!! <3
i like the Benefit Bad Gal eye pencil and the stila eyeshadow..
thanks for the opportunity!
Kisses from Italy!
How generous of you - I considered doing the same on my blog but wasn't sure people would go for it - but this has been very successful! I'd love to be considered for the Clinique moisturiser or the Stila compact - thanks Sweetie! chloelebreton@live.co.uk xxx
Ahh!! All the dogs look so adorable.. I kinda regret buying my dog from a pet shop. Come to think of it, we should have adopted instead. I remember there was a case some months ago where 300 dogs were abandoned on an island and left to die because there were too many strays. That was just sick.. They tried to rescue the dogs but it was too late for a lot of them.
Now moving on to the stuff, I should be greedy and ask for everything but I won't actually USE most so.. totally pointless =_= I have my eyes on 5 & 7 though lol
Wow, you have many great stuff *-*
I'd like to win number 1 and number 3... mostly #3 because I'd really like to try it ToT!!!!
As many other girls, I am international, but as they said, I don't mind to pay shipping cost =)
Thank you so much for this opportunity =)
Happy new year ^___^
My email: shinemissming@gmail.com
1 , 4, 6, 7 and 10, i'm international and would pay the P&P.
I'd love to get Foundation no.1 by Bobbi Brown because it seems really yellow based and since I have an extremly yellow based skin and I have the hardest time founding a foundation which matches me perfectly it would be great.
I would also like no.7 which is the stila quad and no.10 which is the clinique and lancome products. I have wanted the dramatically different moisturizer for a long time but I couldn't afford it :/
Thanks a lot!
i'd love to get 3, 4, 7, 10 (I like both, but just one is more than enough ♥)
thanks! :D
Hey, this is so sweet of you!
By what you said i bet your shocked at all the comments.
I dont actually wear foundation but since being pregnant the oil levels in my skin have changed so i've been thinking about getting one. I'd love to try out number 1, The Bobbi Brown foundation.
I just saw your from Belfast, all my family are from Lisburn! (: x
My email is aureliaeftene@yahoo.com.Have a nice day!
Hey, this is so sweet of you, I know I might not get anything, but still, thank you :).
I'd really like No.1 the Bobbi Brown foundation, No.5 the two concealers, and no.8 the MUA blush.
Thank you so much again!
Oooh and my email is joanna_Shaw1@yahoo.co.uk
you are being so generous joy!
1 3 4 6 and 9 this is such a good deed, youll be getting extra brownie points! hopefully i get something it is all stuff thats been on my want list for AGES. :)
hannah.kozlowski@hotmail.com xxxxxxxxxxx
2, 7, and 10 are adorable..
thanks for this chance dear ;)
1. Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation SPF 15 in Warm Ivory
7.Stila eyeshadow quad in Marrakesh
I'm international but I also would definitely pay for the shipping if you could send those to me :)
my emial: adrianaaa23@ahoo.com
this is great! thank you for this! :)
would love to get:
6.Estee Lauder blush/bronzer trio
7.Stila eyeshadow quad in Marrakesh
wow this is so nice of you!
I'd love to try no.s 4,6 and 9 if I were to win !
I'm international but I also would definitely pay for the shipping if you could send those to me :)
thanks so much again :)
I posted a comment previously to tell you that I wanted no. 1, no.7 and no.9. Infact I don't want no.9 because I just realised that the dramatically different moisturizer is a lotion not a gel so it wouldn't be good for my super oily skin and it would be a waste for me when somebody else could have it.
So I would like only
Thankyou!! :)
Wow!! I'd like to have 2, 5, 6 or 10. One of those, please <3
I’m interested in:
#1 #4 #5 #6 #9
Email: nyunyu 'at' windowslive.com
This is so kind of you:) Thank you so much!
I'd love no 7 please. My e-mail is pleasureflush@yahoo.co.uk
Thank you so much:*
Wow you're so kind
I'd love to get either number 6 or number 9 :)
Wow, this is certainly a fantastic and creative giveaway!
I'd like to enter for #5, the bourjois and NYC concealer and #7. the stila marrakesh palette as I have fallen in love with that gold :)
Hi, thank you for this opportunity.I am interested in number 1,4,7and9.I like the brands and this would be a chance to try them.
I am internationally but I offer to pay for the shipment.
My email is booho.made@yahoo.com
2, 3, 7 & 10
if any of those are still available =D
wow this is so generous of you, i'd love to try 1 & 4...i'm super pale too :D thanks so much x
Enter me ,please!
I follow you via GFC (Camelia Andrasescu)
I'd love nr.9 first,then 6 and 7
Nice giveaway,thank you.
I would really love to try out the following:
1. Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation SPF 15 in Warm Ivory
5. Bourjois Healthy Mix concealer in shade 52/medium and NYC concealer foundation stick in creamy beige
8. MUA products
Thanks a lot, it's such a lovely gesture!
And i would love to try out-
3-Benefit eyeliner
7- Stila Quad
9- Cleansing things :)
10- Urban Decay lipsticks
Thanks again :)x
Hu, enter me please!
My nick follower: Meryy
email: mxj_dg89@hotmail.com
I'm form Spain
I'd loved the fundation Bobbi Brown,
Stila eyeshadow quad in Marrakesh
and Clinique Even better foundation SPF 15 in Alabaster.
I publiqued this on my sidebar blog: http://merymyworld.blogspot.com/
Wow Its great what your doing, Id love the
Clinique foundation SPF15 in Alabaster as I love this foundation its a pity you didnt :(
Thank you
You know, what I can't imagine is how on earth you can't imagine that there’ll be many requests for this :)
Tell ladies that they can have things for free, and how on earth would they( or would I ^^) resist?
Of course entering for all articles could "give you more chances to have something", but this just doesn't seem fair to me (although, when you think about it, if you sent these items to only one person, that would cost you less in postage, maybe you could consider offering things but ask us to pay for postage? I mean, international shipping can be expensive...), so I'll make my choice and it won't be that hard.
I have always wanted to try the Urban Decay lipsticks, as I love their palettes but haven't had the occasion to buy their ilpsticks with this fabulous packaging. So I'll go for #10, please, and thank you for this wonderfully generous offer.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year too! <3
Oooops I forgot to add my email address. It is : ladyofthelaake (at) gmail.com
Thank you ;)
I'd like to own nr. 4 and 10
Thank you for this opportunity!
What a lovely Idea!
5,7 and 8 looks especailly lovely;)
You are very generous :) Thank you so much for doing this.
I would love to have 7 or 9. I hope 2011 bring you lot of good things.
I follow your blog via GFC as anna
And my e-mail address is: annax_trt(at)yahoo[dot]com
I’m interested in:
1. Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation
4. Clinique Even better foundation SPF 15 in Alabaster.
5. Bourjois Healthy Mix & Concealer & NYC concealer.
7. Stila eyeshadow quad in Marrakesh.
8. MUA products
9. Lancome cleansing fluid & Clinique Superdefense & Lancome Hydra Zen Neurocalm & Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturising Lotion
Thank you and Kisses :*
Hi,thanks for this opportunity!:)
I'd like number 1,7 or 9.
I'm international,so I will pay shipping if it is necessary!
my e-mail is:
Leah, thank you very much indeed! Already responded on your blog but just wanted to say thanks again! ♥
Karen thanks for getting back to me! The only top coats I’ve used and liked are ones by Sally Hansen and Rimmel and they were both ok but nothing special! I’ve never even heard of Poshe or Seche Vite so might have to do a little online searching/shopping this evening. I reckon a half decent top coat would make me do my nails far more often – I just hate doing them at the minute cos I ruin the look in no time so it always feels like such a waste :)
Isabel I hate hearing stories like that because it just makes me think of my dogs and I would absolutely hate for anything to ever happen to them. Bernard cut her paw on a piece of glass last time she was at the park and I was worried sick for AGES. Nearly every time you read a newspaper there are horrible stories about dogs being abandoned and/or mistreated so I think it’s reassuring to know that there are charities like the Dogs Trust who will do their best to stop it happening. Though like most people I wish we never actually had the need for such charities in the first place
Nikkay what a small world! Normally when people read that I’m from Belfast they haven’t a clue where it is. Ever been to Lisburn yourself? It totally rules cos they have LOADS of gorgeous little boutiques so it’s awesome if you fancy a shopping spree!
Kylie and Aurelia you didn’t say what you’d like! If you happen to stop by n read this feel free to leave another comment ♥
I would be happy if I win the number 1,6 or 7. Thank you the opportunity, here is my email address: orsolya.skinner@gmail.com
I'd love to try the Bourjois Healthy Mix concealer in shade 52/medium
Charlene xxxxx
hi ,
If the items aren't already given away , I would like to enter for the badgal eyeliner .
tumblemumbo at gmail dot com
international . thanks
how very generous of you! i am intersted in numbers 1, 5, and 6.
This is soo generous and I'm glad you have added the option to make a donation because I would feel horrible having you give this away and pay for shipping w/o giving something in return.
my e-mail is lisaxlin@gmail.com
happy new year :)
xox, Lisa
Hello! enter me please! I'd like number 1,4,9 and 10.
Thanks you very much!
Ana Belén R.M
love to get num 9
This is a great idea!
I would love to get:
I'm so glad you have chosen the dogs trust as well, i believe this is such a good charity and they do such great work! It makes me so sad at the stories you hear about neglected and abused animals, it makes me sick x
Hello, nice giveaway!
I´m intrested in the Bobbi Brown foundation
When you talked about unwanted/used make up I never thought they were almost brand new - this is an amazing giveaway! ^^
I'd love to get 7,8 and/or 9!
Email - sompy_stuff@hotmail.com
My name is Diana Costache.
I'd really enjoy no. 1,2,3,5 or 9.
But mostly no 3.
My e-mail is always_surf_nada_surf@yahoo.com
Because I folow you on GFC through my twitter account, I can only choose to comment as Anonymous,hope it's ok.
I folow you as Diana(my avatar is a picture with a teddy bear).
I like number 2 and 7. My email is smik86@yahoo.com
im eyeing on item 7, 9 and 10 ^_^
3, 4, 6 and 9. Thank you, this is a very kind gesture.
Hey dear... lovely collection.
I wud like to request for:
Bad gal pencil.
NYC concealer stick AND
Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturising Lotion
hope I win at least this time... :D
My email id is: beena.chavan@gmail.com
hope you will have international blog sale. have sensitive skin, clinique works best for me..3 & 8.
I loved 10 :)
That's so sweet & generous of you! :X
Most of all, I would like to try numbers 4 and 6 (the Clinique foundation and the Estee Lauder trio).
Thank you so much, I so hope I'll win! :)
1 and 3
thanks for doing this :)
Great and very generous idea! I'm interested in numbers 7 & 9. Jillith88@ hotmail.com
I'd love to try out the Clinique foundation and I think the shade will suit me just perfect too. Also I'm interested in the concealers as well. So I'm holding my fingers crossed for numbers 4 and 5!
ofc I forgot my e-mail : malinaoros@gmail.com
Number 9 Please =)
email: aschaudhry30@gmail.com
finally did it !!!!
great idea !!!
I'd love to try 3, 5 and 7
awesome giveaway!!!
i would love to win #1 or #6
my email is anah079@gmail.com
Thanks for a chance in this awesome giveaway!
I would love to win number 7.
I would like to be in drawing for 3.
scarter305 at aol dot com
7. Stila eyeshadow quad in Marrakesh and
9. GWP items: Lancome cleansing fluid for face and eyes 125ml, Clinique Superdefense SPF 25, Lancome Hydra Zen Neurocalm 15ml, Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturising Lotion 30ml
and, i'm glad you're giving the proceeds to Dogs Trust. i'm a big dog-lover myself. :)
what a great idea!
one man's trash is another man's treasure =)
i would like to put my name down for number 6 and 7.
email: pauline_sole[at]hotmail[dot]com
HI!! You have great things!
I would really like #3 , #4, #8 or # 10. Whatever is possible ;)
My email: renee.kies@hotmail.com
WOW! that's a really good surprise!
I would like Clinique Even better foundation SPF 15 (number 4) or Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation SPF 15 (number 1)
Thanks a lot!
hueleacoco @ hotmail . com
Ooh this is fun :3 I wouldn't mind owning 2, 3, 7, or 10!
My email is prettynerdygirls at gmail.com
hey dats a nice idea..
i wud love to try Estee Lauder trio, Clinique even better foundation,benefit bad gal pencil,bourjois or NYC concealer...
Oh fantastic!!
enter me :)
I love num 6-7
Hi there,
I won't ask for anything cause i know there's other lovely ladies out there needing the stuff more than i do, but i just wanted to say that it's so generous of you to do such a things. Congrats ! I'm SURE it is much appreciated
I must say thanks for this opportunity. I hope I'm not too late in entering. :) I've been wanting to try foundations that will fit right for my skin but too scared to spend too much and finding out it wasn't worth it. I really love this idea that you have and maybe I'll try to do this too since I've been buying a lot of make-up lately.
#1, #3, #4
My e-mail address is xiongc16@gmail.com
*If I recieve one of your items, I will definately be donating especially because it is for a good cause.
I'd love to try 1,4,5 and 10 if thats ok!
my email is
thanks :D xx
#1 :) Would love to try this.
mua.emma@live.co.uk x
1, 4, 5 and 9 are on my list :)
hi there! i'm loving this idea! i have loads of makeup lying about that I wanted to giveaway in a proper sort of contest but obv that wouldnt be right - giving away used items in a contest...
but i'm liking this so i'm gonna get digging and follow your lead.
here's what i would want:
9, 6, 4, 1
msdriftedsw@gmail.com - going to donate too xxx
Thank you for this!
i am a UK follower: Ms Bubu!
I would be interrested in those:
2 Max Factor/No7
6 Estee Lauder
7 Stila
msbubu26 (at) gmail (dot) com
Thank you!
Wow, what a lovely and generous idea :)
I'd love to try 1, 4 or 6.
hi...i hope i'm not too late to enter... i must say this is a very interesting ideea and i absolutely love it.
i would like 5,7 or 9 ..
email : alexandra.2212@yahoo.com
that a really gorgeous and thoughtful idea
And obviously i love it .Haha. since mom don't want to buy me cosmetics i have been looking giveaways to be able to keep on my track of being a professional makeup artist one day..hahaha.
I would love to try 5 and 6
E-mail: ichei.name@gmail.com
Wow! Thank you for being so kind! I'm not expecting to get anything, cos I never do, but could I possibly get the Benefit Bad gals eye liner in black, or the NO7 lip glosses, or the Estee Lauder blush?
Thanks alot!
Bex XxX
e-mail: bex4ever.blog@gmail.com
3. Benefit Bad Gal eye pencil in black.
my email ilovegummyybears@aim.com
i also like number 2 :)
Hi! I would love to have numbers 5, 7 and 10 :)
E-mail: naddy.waddy.the.baddy@hotmail.com
Thank you!
I would love the number 2
email : ashihana(at)live(dot)com
Thnx a lot!
I would love the number 6. I love blushes and bronzers ^^
Thank you!
I'd love the nr. 9.
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who took the time to enter this. I'm amazed (and extremely pleased!) that so many people were interested!
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