I wanted to thank everyone for commenting on my “pre-owned makeup” post. I was really surprised (and delighted!) by the positive responses so I’ll be snapping away and posting pics of some stuff asap. Haven’t decided on all the details yet but it should be fairly straightforward :)
On another note I wanted to mention a lip gloss that I absolutely adore because I don’t think I’ve actually done a post specifically about a MAC product before. To be honest I’m not a big MAC fan *le gasp!* I know there are people who totally worship the whole range (not to mention all the limited edition collections) but I just think a lot of it is hyped up and overrated
It’s not that I dislike all the stuff of course; I just think there are a lot of drugstore brands that do the same job for less than half the price. When it comes to makeup if I’m gonna be spending 3 hours wages on a single item then I expect some seriously good results

Dazzleglass in Rags to Riches
One of the MAC items that definitely delivers is the Dazzleglass. I think this is one of the best glosses around and I love almost everything about it. It smells lovely, feels smooth but not oily and although it’s sticky it’s not uncomfortably so
This gloss looks beautiful on; it’s a bit OTT because the teensy shimmery glitter particles catch the light brilliantly so the end result is glittertastic (or dazzly if you will) and it leaves my lips looking shiny and full. It even comes in a massive range of shades so you’re almost guaranteed to find one that suits you – I’m pretty dull when it comes to gloss and generally opt for a pretty pale pink colour
Oh oh oh did I mention that it lasts ages too? Always a bonus if you ask me cos I’m not a big fan of reapplying makup throughout the day
My only complaint is the applicator because it’s a brush. I guess we all end up liking what we’re used to so when it comes to lip gloss I’m always disappointed if the applicator isn’t just a standard wand. This still works perfectly well but I definitely think gloss is more difficult to apply with a brush
Anyone else tried this? Would you consider yourself a big fan of all things MAC? ♥
I prefer the Dazzleglasses over the regular lipglass formula. From MAC I love the shadows and the Studio Fix powder. :) I agree there are many drugstore brands with great quality items! I am actually loving Revlon glosses more than MAC right now! :)
I don't really like brushes either. I do like MAC, but there are some things that I would never purchase from them like.. their mascaras and liquid eyeliners.. not a fan :)
I absolutely LOVE dazzle glass too, I have 2 and I ADORE!! I have got the similar looking glosses before (long tube, different name) and they're so disappointing, so I was so pleasantly surprised when a Dazzle glass worked so well :)
I might even check out some more colours, as my 2 are pretty neutral!
I love the brush applicator for lipglosses! I agree there are great drugstore products that are just as good. My problem is that the drugstore products seem to be getting more expensive.. especially the imported brands.. a NYX eyeshadow is sold for 1050yen which is about 13 dollars :'(
never tried this before, but it looks lovely!
I totally agree that there are alot cheaper alternatives to MAC products but i think some of the MAC eye shadows are really unique!
Lovely review! :) I love MAC but also support your view that a lot of drugstore brands sell better products for half the price!
Your Dazzleglass sounds awesome, and you're very right about the brush applicator! When I use a brush applicator on my upper lip, the gloss just gathers up on the upper lip line and looks very weird! I, too, prefer sponge-tip applicators! :)
I wish I could have a limited edition MAC Superglass though, there were awesome shades and the results looked beautiful, over at temptalia's blog! I asked my friend to see if she could get me one from Singapore but they were all sold out. *sigh* :(
I'll see if I can find a Dazzleglass that suites me, and since your review suggests an awesome result, I guess I'll just need to get used to the brush applicator! ;)
This gloss is really pretty. I have a lot of dazzleglasses, but I don't use them often. Too sticky.
I agree with you, I'm not a huge fan of MAC either. I used to work for them and so I have accumulated quite the large collection of their products, though. So I do use them because I don't want them to go to waste. But, I have found many alternatives that are cheaper, and some things that are way better yet more expensive, but more worth it if you know what I mean. =)
This post has inspired me to use my dazzleglass glosses more! Thanks!
I'm not a big MAC fan. I have maybe... 8 or 9 eyeshadows, a blush and a couple of lipsticks. I don't hate it or anything, I just think it's over-rated. I think my NYX singles are just as good - if not better - than the MAC eyeshadows for about a quarter of the price. And MAC is SO overpriced in Australia - I just refuse to buy any of it here.
Oh, and the ENDLESS parade of new collections followed by every blogger and her/his dog posting the press release pics and then their reviews and swatches gets tedious, too. I wish they could just maybe put out something a few times a year. It feels like it's a few times a week!
That looks such a pretty colour. I only have 1 dazzleglass but the colour is a bit bleugg on me. I would like more but i don't buy huge amounts of mac simply because of the price. I do have some nice bits that i love from mac but a lot i have had for a long time or brought at a discount. However if money was no object then i'm sure my collection would be huge xx
I've never tried MAC stuff, I think it's so expensive and most of the time I'm pretty happy with my drugstore brands.. though I get kinda curious off the brand, because all the beauty bloggers/youtubers seem to own their eyeshadows and stuff.. but good to hear that not everybody loves their products, gives me a bit of a more real view on them!
I love dazzelgalss too! I only have one - baby sparks - but I really love it! :) xx
I completely agree with you; I think MAC is so over-hyped too. I think I own a total of 3 things from MAC maybe haha. I've never tried any of their glosses, but this color looks really pretty :)
I totally agree that there is way too much hype with MAC products..not to mention all the eye shadow dupe comparisons. I think there are way less expensive products that do the job just as well. Having said all that I do love my Fix+!
I've never had anything MAC, but I've been hearing many good things about it. My only problem with it is (and the only thing I can actually say, since I've never tried it) is that it's so expensive , especially since I'm really a noob in the field of make-up (,_,)
Reply to you: What a long comment! ^^ Oh and first of all: Merry belated Christmas to you too, and Happy advanced New Year! Haha, yes, this week between X and NY is definitely a non-week. Productivity is below zero :P Too bad you had to work, but yaaay on being of till the 5th! That's long! ^^
Skin treatments suck big time. I'm really counting the days until I can wake up with perfectly smooth skin -__- And the fact that you only know if a treatment is working for you after a couple of MONTHS is such a pain!
Sometimes I just wish we could go to a store and buy ourselves a new fresh and clear skin :P Keep on dreaming...
That looks awesome! I LOVE MAC! They have such great quality lip items. :~]
........|000|... Happy New Year!
........|000|... per un anno magico.
...........||..... La mia casa
...........||..... nel vento
........._||_.... ♥¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
i like mac eyeshadows but this gloss is fab!
feel free to follow xxo
Thanks for all your awesome comments! I’m surprised so many people agree that MAC is a bit overrated :)
Pammy I’ve heard nothing but good things about the Studio Fix powder so I think that’ll be my next MAC purchase. Revlon glosses rule! I wasn’t expecting much from them and just picked one up cos it was on sale but they’re totally superb and the colour selection is brill ♥
MakeYuUp I’ve never tried their mascaras but I quite like the liquid liners – I have the purple and pink ones and they aren’t bad, though nothing to write home about :)
Cheeky Beauty I always go for the neutral lip products too! I should really start branching out a bit so might go for a more dramatic shade next time cos I now know I’ll definitely love the gloss itself
candy apples I couldn’t agree more! I used to be able to buy LOADS of good drugstore products for next to nothing but these days even a basic L’Oreal mascara costs over a tenner. I know there are still some bargains out there but everything just seems to be more expensive at the min :(
RiZZiE aka Lip Gloss Lover I completely agree! It’s always my top lip that looks a bit iffy when I use a brush applicator – it’s just sooo much harder to be precise. Saw some gorgeous pics of the Superglass glosses so I’d like to get my hands on one. I think that’s one of the most annoying things about MAC; some of the stuff sells out before I’ve even had the chance to get to my local store
Straight Up Glam I always feel really guilty if I don’t use up my makeup, esp if it’s one of the high-end brands. You should do a blog sale cos then you could get rid of the stuff you aren’t keen on and could treat yourself to something new :)
Dee that’s a fair point! I think I must’ve read about 100 different posts on the venomous villains collection. I didn’t buy a single thing from it yet I could probably tell you about every single product. I think all the NYX swatches on your blog look totally beautiful but I reckon they’d actually cost me more than MAC ones cos I’d have to order them online and the shipping costs can be ridiculous!
Merel I think a lot of people end up buying it because they’re read so many blog posts about it! It’s like catch-22; people read loads about, end up buying it and then do posts themselves. So you end up constantly hearing about the same things. For the most part I’m more than happy with all my lovely drugstore goodies
Bibi the price always puts me off because I need to know I’ll definitely use something LOADS before I splash out on it. There’s nothing worse than spending £25 on foundation only to realise after 1 use that it doesn’t suit you! You know I think I’d actually give my right arm for new skin; I spend soooo much time and money trying to get mine to do what it’s told so I’d love to start from scratch ♥
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