I really shouldn’t be allowed out during a regular working day… I have this tendency to veer towards Boots, Superdrug and House Of Fraser (basically anywhere that sells lovely beauty products) So on Monday I hit the shops on my lunch hour and picked up some bits n pieces cos I needed some eye makeup remover. The other stuff just jumped into my basket when I wasn’t looking. Seriously Eyeshadows from the Sue Moxley range at Superdrug; shade 9 and shade 3 Boots Natural Collection vanilla body scrub Bourjois lipstick in shade 76 ... Not brave enough to actually wear it outdoors yet :) MUA eyeliners in Jade Jewell, Turquoise and Royal Blue Revlon Colorstay mineral lipgloss Sleek pout polish in pink cadillac Bourjois eye makeup remover. The reason for my shopping trip :)
I hate it when they do that...but I don't have the heart to put them back when they've jumped puppylike into the basket and started whimpering, "Take me home!!!"
I really want to know what you think of the bourjois make up remover i've been tempted to try it but i've only seen one or two reviews :) & the sue moxley eyeshadows looks gorgeous!! x
All are my fav brands from UK and I cant get them here.... :P:P
can you review the MUA penicls?
I hate it when they do that...but I don't have the heart to put them back when they've jumped puppylike into the basket and started whimpering, "Take me home!!!"
At least they're housebroken.
I really want to know what you think of the bourjois make up remover i've been tempted to try it but i've only seen one or two reviews :)
& the sue moxley eyeshadows looks gorgeous!! x
Haha I always to Boots in my breaks! Love the look of the Sleek pout polish - must pick one up soon :)
ug-lily.blogspot.com x
I'd love to know what you think of the eye pencils - you got some really pretty colours there xxx
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