Clean & Clear Advantage Spot Control Kit

I know there are dozens, if not hundreds, of companies who have their own range of spot treatments that promise all sorts of miraculous results if you give their products a go. Having acne in your 20s is definitely a tad irritating – I should know! - so I tried loads of different brands (from
Dr Murad and
Cliniques Anti-Blemish Solutions to
Clearasil and
OXY) in the hopes that they would improve my skin… I wasn’t expecting to look like a supermodel or anything, I was just hoping they’d reduce the amount of spots and also the redness that came with them!
Out of every cleanser, toner and spot gel I tried the only ones that made a genuine long-lasting different to my skin were from the Clean & Clear range by Johnsons. My skin had been bad for so long that I’d almost given up on actually finding something that would help but this little 3 piece kit arrived in my local pharmacy so I figured it would at least be worth a try. That was a loooong time ago and ever since I’ve always had a supply in my cupboard just in case the unthinkable happens and they stop making it!!! I currently have 3 boxes because I think it’s better to err on the side of caution :)

The cleanser is easily one of my all time favourites and even if I branch out and try other brands I like having a bottle of this for when my skin feels particularly oily or is in need of a deep clean due to clogged pores and congestion around my chin. The moisturiser is non-greasy and although it feels extremely light and easily absorbed it’s still hydrating enough to keep my skin feeling comfortable all day long

As for the spot gel; I’m not really a fan of these kinda products because I find them to be way too drying, they normally just leave a little yucky patch of dry skin instead of a spot so it seems a bit pointless. If I have one of those horrible green looks-like-I’m-growing-an-extra-head kinda spots then I’ll apply the teensiest speck of this and it calms the spot overnight but it’s not something I use very often
My younger brother is 13 and is starting to see a few spots around his nose and chin and the only thing I’d recommend to him is the Clean & Clear Advantage spot control kit
The moisturiser from this kit was the product that got me into skincare products almost two and half years ago (which is impressive since i'm 15).
I actually quite like the gel, i always make sure i have some.
Ithinks that here are good products
In Palace ♥
awww so impressive!!
glad to find your blog site..
definitely following you..
hope you can drop by to my blog, follow me and join the giveaway *winks* i hope you can find it interesting though...
thank you very much for this lovely post!
It definitely does not work in my skin at all ! :S I fell like if my face was burning.
And this brand is from Jhonsons, they do tests on animals =/
louweevil I haven't come across many people who use this but of all the ones I have they never have a bad thing to say about it!
Diane I'm always on the lookout for awesome new beauty blogs so consider it done :)
Thakitty thats a shame, I guess this might just be too harsh/stripping for some people :( Hope your skin is feeling normal again!! ♥
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