My ever expanding makeup collection seems to be encroaching on other rooms in the house… I figure that I definitely don’t have too much makeup (pfft, can such a thing exist?!) as long as I’m able to squash it into my existing storage units and drawers so a lot of my goodies is put in non-makeup related containers to give me a little extra room. Sneaky, no? :)

I seem to have amassed a lot of new eye liners recently; nothing to do with me you understand, they just, ahem, appeared in my room or something. Honest. So I had to clear out a couple of my teensy makeup drawers to squeeze them in. Which resulted in me using an old M&S biscuit tin for my lip blams. This seems like a such a bloody brilliant idea I cant believe I didn’t think of it sooner; I’ve been going through the cupboards for spare boxes, containers etc that I can fill with more makeup, which seems like a much more sensible idea that buying less

These are all non-essentials that I'm not using at the min so I'm happy to pop the lid on and hide them out of the road till their needed again...
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you've been having a lovely week so far ♥
thats a lot of lipbalms lol! love the little tin though its cute :)
shel xx
I love that container! Perfect use for it.
Irishenchantment my excuse is that my lips have been really really dry ever since getting braces (strange but true!) But obviously I actually just like have lots in different flavours :)
Lol if you really like lipbalm buy some from Avon!
My aunt has TONS of Avon lipbalm and she keeps it in the cutest basket ever!!
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