Anywho, the preposterously generous people at Burts Bees sent me some lip balms to review so I’ve been using them for about a week and figured I’d give my two cents worth
I should mention that I’m extremely fussy when it comes to lip products – ever since getting braces just over a year ago my lips have been much drier and more susceptible to becoming cracked and chapped than ever before so I need something that’s incredibly moisturising and long lasting, which is why I generally opt for Vaseline (is there anything that stuff can’t do?!)

Firstly we have the little pot of Beeswax lip balm which comes in a rather cute teensy metal tin. I read through the ingredients list before I opened it and knew there was peppermint so expected that nice menthol scent but it was much stronger and sweeter that I’d anticipated – It actually smells exactly like the centre of After Eights! It’s nice to apply and leaves my lips all tingly; thanks to the smell it takes some serious willpower not to just lick it off immediately!
I’ve been putting a layer of this on before bed and my lips have been soft and smooth in the morning. The texture is lovely because it’s slightly creamy but not too sticky or waxy so it doesn’t feel uncomfortable on the lips
Would I use this again? Definitely
Secondly we have the traditional "twist stick" balms and as I general rule I'm not too keen on this style of product. No particular reason or anything, just not my cup of Earl Grey. So I found it surprising that out of all the products the Replenishing lip balm with pomegranate oil was my favourite. It’s the one that looks bright red in the pics but it actually just gives the most gorgeous subtle rosy sheen to the lips when it’s applied. I love any goodies that are really beneficial but manage to look gorgeous too!
Nourishing lip balm with mango butter
Replenishing lip balm with pomegranate oil
Honey lip balm
I was wearing this yesterday morning and when Adryen leaned in to kiss me he said my lips smelled like a Push Pop. I was addicted to Push Pops when I was about 12 (they really should start selling them again!) so I thought that was quite a compliment :)
The texture is really nice because you don’t need a big thick sticky layer to feel like your lips are being moisturised! The thing that impressed me most about the balms was when I wore them to work and went to get a cup of tea at about half 11 I licked my lips expecting most of the product to have rubbed off by that time (I spend most of my day chattering away which plays havoc with any lip products) but there was still a nice slick coat of this
Would I use these again? Yep. Already bought a honey lip balm to include in my sisters Christmas pressie cos it smells scrummy
P.S. Although Burts Bees sent me these goodies to review my opinions are completely honest. I don’t like porkies (just ask my ex :p)
Joy ♥
I tried the stick balm, but I didn't find it to be moisturizing enough.
I use the Replenishing Lip Balm with Pomegranate Oil every day & I love it! Great review, you have convinced me to try the Beeswax Lip Balm in the metal tin :) Thanks
I love Burt's Bees lip balm, too! I've only tried the honey one though, I'll have to try the others.
i love Burt's Bees lip balm.
OMG...i love push pops as well..I'm gonna go get the lip balm... =D
I tried all of those lipbalms too, the honey one smelt floral to me and made me wanna be sick! I also didn't find any of them moisturising enough for winter use. I'm still on the look out for a great lipbalm that doesn't a) smell bad b) taste like soap or c) moisturise enough! xx
I love burt bees...the tingle you get when you use them is great
wow ya..me too wana try sum of these
I love Burts Bee's...i just discovered how awesome their products are!
how much is the tin? my fave is chap ice, you should try it! xx
burts bees is one of my fav lip remedies!! :)
dont forget to enter my giveaway!!
I loveee Burts Bees. Fab review.
I've never actually tried burts bees before! Normally I swear by Carmex but I think I'll give Burts bees products a try next time! :)
i'm currently using the pink vaseline so after that runs out i'll be getting this! lovely review.
I'm thinking of trying some more of their stuff!
love the look of all of this :)
I love the beeswax lipbalm!
I've given you a blog award pn my blog :)
I love the Burt's Bees lip balms :) I first tried in in the States a couple of years ago, been addicted ever since! x
I adore Burts Bees products! Lip Shimmers are my all time fav! Bee wax lip balm sounds awesome, got to try :)
i used to adore burt's bees, particularly the beeswax balm and the lip shimmers but! my sister and i both developed allergies to it and had to stop. :( that was a few years ago so i thought to try it again last month. nope, still allergic. (cry)
GReat post, I shall have to have a look for some of these they sound fab x
I've awarded you the "Most Versatile Blogger Award" in my latest post, have a look x
Kittenish Behaviour Blog
brill review, its made me buy my 3 neices the bee keeper tin lip balm selection. do you recommended any of their other products?
would it be possible for you to review some of the face cleansers and treatments? It would help me decide whether or no to buy them as Christmas presents.
Kelly xx
ive heard so much about these! this is a great post! hope you are well Joy :)
I've never tried their products before, I should now :]
new follower here~
i got the one lip balm with passionfruit. it smells yummy! ^_^
Thank you so much for reviewing these, as I was thinking of buying them! The Pomegranate one sounds great! ;)
Thanks for the lovely comments (and awards of course – replied in full on your blogs!)
Jade thanks to the horrible lip-chapping weather I was actually thinking of doing a review on my favourite lip products so hopefully I’ll be able to recommend something awesome :)
Dazzlelight91 the little tin is £3.49. Not too bad considering the price of some balms out there! Never even heard of Chap Ice before – had a look online and it looks pretty good, might have to treat myself. Do you have a favourite?
Kelly I haven’t got my hands on any of the face products yet but I shall post a review as soon as I do! Oh and I hope your nieces like the lip products as much as I did ♥
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