Happy Saturday all! Hope your weekend is going well. I was stuck in work until 4pm today (Grrr!) but I’ve booked all next week off – HURRAH!! I don’t actually have anything planned other than looking after my adorable nephew, shopping, reading and watching TV. As far as I’m concerned the best time off is the kind where you aren’t obliged to do anything at all :)
Popped into town and did a little shopping after work today and just wanted to mention a couple of the things I picked up. I wore 5 inch wedge heels, which I hadn’t broken in, so my feet were killing me and I couldn’t be arsed getting the stuff I actually needed. Typical, eh?

Itsy bitsy teeny weeny bottle of Fantasy by Britney Spears to keep in my handbag

Stila compact - I reckon the colours are perfect for Autumn

Whittard eyebag tea because I'm definitely gonna have a lazy pampering day on my week off!

Pure coconut milk facial scrub. I love any products with coconut milk or oil and I've been using this for ages. In fact this is my 3rd bottle! Totally unheard of cos I suffer from "grass is greener" syndrome so constantly change the products I use :)

The texture is awesome - creamy but still abrasive enough to get rid of nasty dead skin and leave me feeling all soft n smooth

Vanilla bath bomb for 99p? Er, yes please! (Well at that price it would just be rude not to!)
Thanks for stopping by, enjoy the rest of your weekend! :)
Great haul! I had a mini Fantasy but then I gave it to my mom. I have a curious and I love that (in the full size).
Ohh the Stuka compact looks gorgeous :)
Stuka? Stila obviosly ;)
Good little haul there! Have a fab time off - I agree, I love having holidays at home, dvd box set at the ready! xx
the stila compact colors are so pretty! perfect for fall!! and i've been wanting ALL of britney spears perfumes for the longest time! they all smell so sweet!
Nice haul! I love that Stila compact.
Great haul! Have a nice week off!!! What a cute little bottle of Fantasy, have you smelled Radience yet...so yummy!
I have the Britney Spears perfume; love the scent. The Stila palette looks lovely :)
The Stila palette looks gorgeous, as does the Britney Spears bottle, nice haul :)
Those tea bags are cute! I've never seen them before,do they work well?
Hi =D
I like Pure coconut milk facial scrub. =P
Do you know if I can shop it in Spain? =S
Kisses ^^
I always say 'it would be rude not too' lmao you got sum right bargains hun... thanks for ur comment about the brown hair =) thankss sooo much ur sooo sweet... did u get my message about forever 21 coming to birmingham xxx
The I love stuff is great! I love tehre lip balms and bubble bath!! xx
Please check out my blog I follow yours!
Pretty stuff you got there :)
would love to see swatches of that stila compact. I'm pretty much new to stila so don't have much idea as to what I should get.
I love inecto products. I use their glossy shine spray & hair serum. It works wonders !!
The mini Fantasy bottle is so cute! Great haul :)
Yay for a week off of work! Sounds like fun! And a great haul! The coconut scrub looks awesome!
I love those eye teabags!
The coconut scrub looks so interesting!! Wish I could buy it here \:
Fantasy smells sooo good!
I have to get my hands on Fantasy by Britney Spears... I've heard it smells very weet, and I'm a fan of sweet fragrances!
The coconut face scrib looks interesting (=
That Stila Palette! I want one....great haul.
hi! thanks so much for your lovely comment :D
aaaah i want the stila palette and the eye teabags! I had the latter many moons ago and I loved them. I couldn't fins them when I last went to whittards last week...bummer :/
great blog, new follower! xxx
Great haul, I have that perfume it is so sweet I love it :)
Hey Hun! Great haul - and the eye teabags look super nice for pampering yourself when you have a whole week off :)
I love the colours in the Stila compact you got. Maroon-ish colours are some of my favourite for eye shadows!
Thanks so much for dropping by at my blog and for saying hi - I really appreciate it :)
you have all the right things for a nice spa day at home, except for a tub of ice cream! lol
thanks for stopping by and leaving some love : )
yay for holidays! The best time is when you have no pressure to do anything :D
thanks for your comment btw! i found MAC"s prices are quite high at first but then i think you get a reasonable amount of product too :)
Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog :) I like yours :D
where did you get the eyebag tea thing?!?!?!?! does it actually work??? I'm very curious :)
Thank you for visiting my blog! :) The tea bag is so cool! I don't see I've seen them here or maybe I never noticed... hehe~
Don't be jealous about us having Sephora and NYX. You guys have a lot of stuff we don't have like Sleek and Barry M... hehe~
hey thanks so much for your kind words on my blog :) im sure if you put your mind to it you could do crochet :) x its so therapeutic and relaxing!
Ive just started following you, follow back please lovely !
x look forwards to readng your future posts and ive entered your comp aswell its great and featured you on my blog :) x
sophie-lou x
great stuff! I love the stila compact!!! ahaha love the vanilla bath bomb for 99p! xxx
I love the design of that perfume bottle!
Thanks for visiting my blog =D
Lovely stuff hun, enjoy your week off. Will you be posting an FOTD with the shadows? x
Love the colours in the compact!
Hope you like the cleanser as much as I do, I think the face is kind of creepy, too!
What an awesome haul! I haven't tried that Britney person but loads of blogers love it so will need to check it out. The first one she brought out in the blue bottle really put me off trying the rest! Where did you buy your bath bomb and scrub? xxx
I am just getting started and would love for everyone to check out my new blog!
Nice haul, I like the look of that scrub and coconut if one of my favorite scents, because it reminds me of summer :D
Small Old Bean to be completely honest they probably work about as well as regular green tea bags but I love using these cos they smell nice and come in pretty packaging. I’m kinda shallow like that :)
Starlight I have no idea if its available in Spain but I definitely think you could get it from eBay. I know most of the UK sellers are happy to ship anywhere in Europe and it’s a fairly common product here!
Aimee I did indeed. Which obviously means I’m a tad jealous... We dont have nearly enough awesome shops in Belfast :(
Ezzy after reading your comment I tried to take pics of some swatches but it’s a complete nightmare cos it’s dark by the time I get home from work every day so there’s no natural light. Gonna do it asap though
Frances I got them from Superdrug – there were actually a few different kinds but there’s little holes in the box so you can smell them and I’ve always liked these ones best. They arent the best thing ever but certainly help with puffiness after a late night! And they definitely leave my eyes feeling more comfortable and awake
Ahleessa I had no idea you couldnt get your hands on Barry M stuff there! I dunno what I’d do without their Dazzle Dust, I’ve been wearing it more n more over the last 6 months or so
Stacey I currently have breakouts on my chin that would actually scare small children (I kid you not!) so I’m avoiding being anywhere near a camera at the min. Fingers crossed it clears up asap so I can come out of hiding!
Nic I got them from TJ Hughes which is fast becoming one of my favourite shops for little bargain beauty sprees. I always go in with the intention of buying 1 or 2 things but that NEVER happens for some reason
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