Good evening all and Happy Wednesday to you! I love the second half of the week cos we’re sooo close to the weekend :)
Just wanted to mention a site I’ve been using for quite a while now because I haven’t heard anyone else talk about it! It’s called latestinbeauty.com and the basic premise involves choosing samples from whatever they have available (you get one for each of the 3 categories: skin care, makeup & fragrances, hair & body)

I’ve discovered some amazing products using this site including stuff from the Mary Kay range which I’d never have splashed out on without knowing how good it is!

Anyway – they text you a code which costs £1 then all you have to do is provide a delivery address and choose the goodies

The pics are of the most recent package I've received and I was well pleased with it :)
Oh and just a quick mention of some W7 eye shadows I stumbled across recently! I’ve seen this brand online loads but the stuff is so cheap the makeup snob in me always assumed it must be rubbish (I know I know – very narrow minded of me!)

So I figured this would be worth a try cos I’m loving greens at the minute and I’m pleased to report that it’s superb! The quality is so much better than I expected; all the shades are really pigmented and I’ve already used this to create 3 completely different, albeit green, eye looks. All for the bargain price of £1.19 :)
Ooh the 2nd eyeshadow looks gorgeous!
I've heard lots about these sample websites, but only con ones. I will have to check this one out!
Beautiful greens! I have been wanting a palette of greens.
wow this site sounds great! i've never heard of it before, so thanks for the info!
I hope you like the site if you give it a try! I'd heard of the con ones myself so I figured this one was worth a look cos it only cost £1 so I wouldn't be freaking out if I didn't receive anything! :)
I'm not sure what it is about greens at the minute but they seem to be becoming more popular. I hate the thought of spending a fortune on a colour only to find out that it doesn't suit me!
mm dont you just love free samples. <3
yay! let meee know if you like the eyelid primer from elf ;) those color looks good!! It does look like a cheap brand..ooo I wanna check it out asap ;D
Wow I should cheeck out that site plus thoes swatches look wonderful.
i'm currently using the d&g light blue... love it!
Thank you so much for the compliments!! But i can tell you my skin is far from perfect but the foundation i use is really good ^__^
I love the green coloured eyeshadows!! :D
New follower here ;)
I have green envy! Grrrrrrrrrrrr! ♥
dolce and gabanna light blue is the best perfume in the world - i could bath in it :P
It seems that everyone knew about D&Gs light blue before me! I hadn't heard anyone mention it so didn't expect much but it's bloomin' lovely :)
TinkerBi, just had a look on eyeslipsface and the primer is sold out *sad face* just my luck!
Cassandra, I had a good nosy at all your posts and there isn't a single pic of you with a blemish! That totally can't be down to a good foundation :p
omg thank you so much for telling me about this site!!!! I'll definitely check it out :D
Hope you enjoy it Marisa! I reckon nothing beats trying out new products without spending an absolute fortune on them :)
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