Now I’m gonna let you in on a big secret provided you don’t go telling those germ phobic goody two shoes who follow all the right hygiene rules! I know you should dump a mascara 3 months after opening but I never do *Le gasp!* because I find some of the formulas are so wet that the mascara only starts to get good after 3 or 4 months when it’s dried out a bit. If I ever have an eye infection or something I’ll be sure to dump whichever mascara I was using right away but until then I’ll use them till I feel they need to be replaced :)
Aaanyway, my point – which seems to have taken an age to get to! – is that the following mascaras are great from the day they’re opened so I don’t have to wait around for them to dry out. Each and every one of these leave my lashes thick, dark, long and nicely separated. Also, they last all day without flaking or smudging – which is the very least I expect from a mascara!

Feel free to recommend any mascaras that are awesome and cheap as chips but haven't been included here! ♥
Thanks for your comments! Yeah, I don't understand 'Movember' as a name either.
I hope yer derg doesn't bite when you try to get into bed!!
If all else fails with the mascaras, have a little lookie here. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard-pictures/Christmas+on+the+Lash-latest.do?id=23384034&page=1
175 quid for false lashes, anyone?
Z xx
I've not used a Collection 2000 mascara in years but definitely going to pick one up once by Benefit mascara dries out as there's no way I'm paying £18.50 for another one! x
wow such a great post! i loveeee mascara, my favourite is the yellow maybelline one? cant remember the name haha dont think its less than £5 though
love your blog sweet
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